Engineering Services

Follow the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), a cost-effective and time-efficient process used to design and build high-quality software. This method reduces project risks through proactive planning (e.g. Agile or Scrum), ensuring the software meets customer expectations both during production and in the long term. This approach breaks down the development process into clearly defined steps, allowing tasks to be assigned, completed, and measured efficiently.

Analyze software and systems with respect to functional safety design to ensure that they operate safely and reliably, particularly in situations where failure could lead to harm or danger. Follow standards such as ISO26262, ASPICE, SOTIF etc.
End-to-end support in designing, integrating, and managing complex autonomous vehicle systems. By addressing challenges like sensor fusion, real-time data processing, and fail-safe mechanisms.

Design and develop control systems. Deliver customized solutions by configuring systems, defining precise specifications, and identifying key parameters that ensure controllers are tuned and meet the unique requirements of each project, from vehicle motion control to industry processes control.

Review development procedures and identify points for improvement. A thorough analysis and rethinking of documentation, legacy code, architectures, interfaces etc can be beneficial in the long run.

Start from a theoretical background and provide the initial development steps to define a proof of concept supported by well documented designs and code.